Corporate social responsibility

The happier your employees are, therefore, more suitable are your services for your customer. PIA is one of the employers committed to ensuring that their staffs receive top-quality training, from entry into the working life to pensions. The excellent development of our company is flanked by social and corporate measures according to social responsibility.
One of the core issues of PIA is to fulfil our social responsibilities. In co-operation with the RWTH Aachen University and the Aachen University of Applied Sciences, PIA offers students the opportunity of performing student research projects or doing diploma and master theses. The matter of course for us is to positively support the first step for young people on the career ladder.
To identify and disseminate good practices and encourage mutual learning is for each of us a matter of course. Also we are a family-friendly company with an adapted environment for retaining female employees and older workers.
By lasting improvement of the work conditions and well-being for all employees and costumers – including support social institute – PIA can see big returns in the form of a happy and productive workforce. In this spirit, our strong team of engineers, scientists, craftsmen and administrative staff is overjoyed to have a powerful and supporting cooperation with the Kanthari institute for many years.
Kanthari is an international institute for social leadership, in Trivandrum, Kerala, South of India, which offers a 7 month leadership program for visionaries who have overcome adversity and who are keen to drive ethical social change.
“Note to self: every time you were convinced you couldn’t go on, you did.” – unknown. At kanthari, they believe in the strength of people who have overcome adversity. They equip them with tools and skills that enable them to start own social ventures. Since 2009, 206 participants from 45 countries were trained at kanthari. This has resulted in more than 130+ social initiatives and organisations that are creating a positive impact in the lives of thousands of people within their communities and therewith contributing to a more peaceful world. Indeed, they touch on the central question, “How far would you go to make a difference?”- kanthari.
If you want to donate:
Förderkreis Braille Ohne Grenzen kanthari e.V.
Im Auel 34
53913 Swisttal – Morenhoven
Sparkasse Koeln/Bonn
IBAN: DE02370501980013806195
Keyword: kanthari
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